
Waiting List Information

Children can be placed on the Kindy's waiting list from birth. Formal offers of enrolment are made early in the second half of each year prior to the year of commencement.

Sherwood Community Kindergarten’s waiting list procedure reflects C&K’s service provision policy implemented as a direct result of the introduction of the preparatory year for all Queensland children. C&K affiliated services will, in most instances, provide one year of pre-preparatory education and maximise enrolment of the target age group. This will be called pre-prep until further advised. 

Target/eligible age 

Children who turn four years of age by the 30th June in the year they attend, i.e. children in the year immediately prior to the preparatory year. These children represent the target age group for C&K services. 

Children who have attained three years of age by 31st December in the year prior to enrolment only in instances where all children of the target age group on the waiting list have been placed and vacancies exist and at the discretion of the management committee. 

Eligible starting year for your child 

Your child’s birthday



1st July 2019 – 30th June 2020



1st July 2020 – 30th June 2021



1st July 2021 – 30th June 2022



1st July 2022 – 30th June 2023



1st July 2023 – 30th June 2024



To place your child on our waiting list for 2024 or any future years, please complete the form in the link below.  The link will take you to our online booking system - Kidsoft.  If you have any questions regarding the online form, please contact reception@sherwoodkindy.com.au.  There is no fee to place your child on our wait list.

Online Wait List 


20230222 090328

Enrolment process


  • Children who turn four years of age by the 30th June in the year they attend, i.e. children in the year immediately prior to the preparatory year. These children represent the target age group for C&K services.
  • Children who have attained three years of age by 31 December in the year prior to enrolment only in instances where all children of the target age group on the waiting list have been placed and vacancies exist and at the discretion of the management committee.


Our offer process includes the following steps:

  • Enrolment offers are made based on the received date of the waiting list application.
  • Priority is given to eligible age children.
  • The current families of those children recommended by our Kindergarten to receive a second year of funded kindergarten will receive a letter offering them a place for the following year.
  • First round offers are made on or around 1st June of the previous year in accordance with our eligibility criteria and the order of the waiting list.
  • Upon receiving a letter of offer, families are advised of a deadline for choosing to accept or decline the offer.
  • Subsequent rounds of offers are made on a rolling basis as and when offers are declined.

  • 20230302 095342


Being a not-for-profit organisation, the kindy is able to keep fees at an affordable level, while providing a well managed and exceptionally well equipped facility.

2024 Statement of Fees

20230214 111938